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Sami swoi. Poczatek

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Sami swoi. Poczatek

Release date : 01 Mar 2024

With Wojciech Malajkat, Miroslaw Baka, Janusz Chabior, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Adam Ferency, by Artur Żmijewski

Pawlak and Kargul - heroes of the cult trilogy "Sami swoi" before ending up in the Recovered Territory next to their neighbors in a village in Podolia. And already then there was an explosive neighborhood... "Sami swoi. The beginning" is a colorful story whose dangerous mischief is intertwined with life's milestones. The nature of the characters in written form with a great story in the background will take the viewer on a sentimental, but also thrilling and humorous journey. Film présenté en Version Originale avec st. anglais

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